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‘…I duly went for surgery and was returned to my hospital bed at approximately 14:30 on the 2nd of march. By 5:30 I was sitting up eating a full dinner in no pain at all! After a good night sleep, the following morning my drain and cannulas were removed, and I was asked by Dr. Habib how I felt. Wonderful is not the normal reaction I am sure, but there it was. I obviously had pain killers but was not even aware of even discomfort! I was asked if I felt ready to go home and the answer was 100% YES, not that I have any problem with being in the hospital it was purely a matter of wanting rest in my own home and felt totally ready for that!…’

‘I had infection around the lung and at the age of 80 I was worried about the operation. Dr. Habib did it by key hole and I fully recovered and went home!’

‘My cancer was discovered during the COVID pandemic. Many cancer surgeries had to be delayed, but Dr. Habib was determined to remove my cancer. He managed to find a COVID free hospital and did my operation there. It was a great success going home the following day after major lung surgery. Thank you so much!’

‘I had a thymic tumor that needed removal. Because of my frequent sepsis episodes I had to regularly be admitted to hospital. Despite that, Dr. Habib accepted my case and removed the thymic tumor robotically. I had no wound problems and went home in 3 days!’

‘I had air around my lung that later progressed to infection. I had to be transferred to New cross. Thankfully I met Dr. Habib. He did my operation and despite my severe rheumatoid I recovered fully and went home!’

‘I had very bad COPD with lung functions less than 30 % normal. Dr. Habib gave me the chance to have an operation. He advised me to push myself and improve my lung functions. I did my best and he kept his word. He took out my lung cancer by key hole and I went home in 2 days!’