
lung wedge

We provide high quality surgery allowing patients speedy recovery, minimal pain and quick return to normal quality of life.

Lung wedge

Lung wedge involves the removal of a ‘pizza slice’ from the outer part of your lung . This is usually done to remove a shadow on your scans and send it for tests.

  • A lung wedge is done after you have a general anesthetic.
  • It is done by 3 key holes (each less than a centimeter in size).
  • Using long instruments or robotic arms the part to be removed is identified. We may also use infra red technology in smaller lesions to help guide us.
  • The lung to be removed is taken out through one of the key holes. When the procedure is finished, a drain is inserted in one key hole while the others are closed.

Most people are admitted either the day before or on the day of the procedure and usually can go home again the following 1-3 days. When the drain is removed you usually go home on the same day. Some patients will go home with the drain to have it removed later in the outpatients. You can use painkillers as usual at home if required.

Minor risks

Air leaking from the lung into the chest drain for a few days is common after lung surgery. Occasionally this lasts for longer, possibly weeks. A chest drain will need to be in place until this settles, you may be able to go home with the chest drain still in and come back for regular check-ups until the air leak settles.

Wound infections are rare. 

Infections in your lung are uncommon. You will be advised to mobilise early out of bed to avoid this happening. breathing exercises will also be explained to you to lessen the chances of a chest infection. 

Funny heart beats can be felt but they usually settle on their own. Sometimes medicines are needed to calm them down.

Major less common risks

The chance of not making it through the procedure is less than 1 in a 500. This is usually related to other health conditions, such as having heart or kidney problems. 

If you do not want to have a key hole surgery to get a diagnosis (and cure for a potential cancer) you may opt to continue surveillance with a scan to see if the lesion grows however this may risk that the lesion may not be amenable to surgery later. If it resolves then it means this was probably an infection. If it stays stable, there always remains a risk it may grow in the future.

  • Relying on existing tests (such as scans) to judge which disease is most likely
  • Repeating a previous test
  • Continuing close observation

If you do not want surgery or are not well enough to have an operation other options may include:

  • Radiotherapy
  • Chemotherapy
  • Palliative care